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Avoid these mistakes that kill innovation in your business

Betting on innovation in a company is more than declaring future intentions and goes far beyond saying phrases that adorn meeting rooms. Innovation requires the entrepreneur and the organization to modify certain habits, behaviors, and rules that have always been considered immutable.

Two aspects in which we must work to develop this element are control and common sense. In the first area, InventHelp Innovation it is required to give a greater degree of freedom to employees and collaborators, partially reducing the control of work teams, allowing for error and the exploration of ideas. On the other hand, common sense can be the worst enemy of innovation, which will tell us that a strategy or product is not coherent or that it will not work and that work must continue as it has been done up to now.

In addition, there are some errors that can destroy any innovative attempt in our company and that we must eliminate if we want to stay ahead. Take note:

Defining innovators

One mistake is to argue that innovation only corresponds to a certain team or to a particular person within the company. Innovation must be a matter for all members of a company, everyone has something to say and a brilliant idea can come from anyone.

Encourage individual work

If an individual and not group rewards are promoted, solo work is encouraged and teamwork and all its innovative potential are undermined. The advantage of a group is the diversity of opinions, cultures, and points of view; all this is very useful when it comes to innovating by the inventors.


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