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The invention of the printing press and its impact on history

 The eruption of the printing press in the middle Ages was a revolution: books could be copied with a speed never seen before and their impact InventHelp Inventions was incalculable


Modern history would be inconceivable without the invention of the printing press as its use completely changed Western culture and subsequently world history. Until 1453, InventHelp knowledge was transmitted through manuscripts made by monks: with the invention of the printing press the process of copying was InventHelp Inventors accelerated and in a matter of a few years the writings InventHelp Invention Ideas reached a huge public thanks to the dissemination of knowledge and the reduction of the costs of production.


The monks were until the fifteenth century the only written sources of weight in society. Feudalism gave the role of reproduction InventHelp Patent and dissemination of knowledge to the Catholic Church, so it also accepted that it played a censoring role and set the ‘agenda setting’, the issues that could be discussed and InventHelp Innovation those that were relegated to oblivion. . With the invention of Johannes Gutenberg (Germany, around 1453) InventHelp Technology the work of copyist was expanded and the companies InventHelp Idea that managed the printing presses and with them the capital came into play.


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